Selected Publications
Hoskin, R.A., & Blair, K.L. (Eds.). (2023). Critical Femininities. Routledge.
Hoskin, R.A. (Ed.). (2021). Feminizing Theory: Making Space for Femme Theory. Routledge.
J. Green, R.A. Hoskin, C. Mayo & sj Miller (Eds.). (2019). Navigating trans*+ and complex gender identities. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Hoskin, R.A., Blair, K.L., & Holmberg, D. (2023). Femmephobia is a uniquely powerful predictor of anti-gay behaviour. Archives of Sexual Behavior. Online First.
Hoskin, R.A., & Whiley, L. (2023). Femme-toring: Leveraging critical femininities and femme theory to cultivate alternative approaches to mentoring. Gender, Work, & Organization. Online First
Hoskin, R.A., Serafini, T., & Gillespie, J. (2023). Femmephobia versus gender norms: Examining women’s responses to competing and contradictory gender messages. Canadian Journal of Sex Research, 32(2), 191-207.
Hoskin, R.A., & Serafini, T. (2023). Critically feminizing family science: Using femme theory to generate novel approaches for the study of families and relationships. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 12(2), 292-312. Invited Paper
Taylor, A., & Hoskin, R.A. (2023). Fat femininities: On the convergence of fat studies and critical femininities. Fat Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Body Weight and Society, 12(1), 1-14.
Beischel, W.J., Schudson, Z., Hoskin, R., A., & van Anders, S. (2023). The gender/sex 3x3: Measuring and categorizing gender/sex beyond binaries. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 10(3), 355-372.
Courtice, E.L., Quinn-Nilas, C., Bickram, D.A., Witoski, S., Hoskin, R.A., & Blair, K.L. (2023). Is the Messenger the message? Canadian political affiliation and other predictors of mask wearing frequency and attitudes during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 55(1), 1-13.
Hoskin, R.A. & Blair, K.L. (2022). Critical femininities: A “new” approach to gender theory. Psychology & Sexuality, 13(1), 1-8.
Hoskin, R.A. (2022). The complexities of passing: Dual realities of a queer, crip white femme of lost Jewish descent. Journal of Autoethnography, 3(2), 207-211.
Hoskin, R.A. (2022). My body of dissidence. Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice, 3(21).
Gunn, A., Hoskin, R.A., & Blair, K.L. (2021). The new “lesbian aesthetic”? Exploring gender style among femme, butch and androgynous sexual minority women. Women’s Studies International Forum, 88, 1-13.
Matheson, L., Oritz, D., Hoskin, R.A., Holmberg, D. & Blair, K.L. (2021). The feminine target: Gender expression in same-sex relationships as a predictor of experiences with public displays of affection. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 30(2), 205-218.
Hoskin, R.A. (2021). Can femme be theory? Exploring the epistemological and methodological possibilities of femme. Journal of Lesbian studies, 25(1), 1-17.
Beischel, W.J., Schudson, Z., Hoskin, R., A., Mao, J., Zielinski, A., & van Anders, S. (2021). Translating knowledge of sexual configurations theory via instructional videos and diagrams. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50(1), 23-43.
Hoskin, R.A. (2020). “Femininity? It’s the aesthetic of subordination”: Examining femmephobia, the gender binary, and experiences of oppression among sexual and gender minorities. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 49(7), 2319-2339.
Hoskin, R.A., Holmberg, D., Jenson, K, & Blair, K.L. (2020). Holy anorexia: Views of femininity as a potential mediator in the association between religiosity and disordered eating. Women’s Studies International Forum, 79, 1-9.
Blair, K.L., & Hoskin, R.A. (2020). Introduction to the Special Issue: Preaching to the choir 2018: An international LGBTQ psychology conference. Psychology & Sexuality, 11(1-2), 1-4.
Hoskin, R.A., & Taylor, A. (2019). Femme resistance: The fem(me)inine art of failure. Psychology & Sexuality, 10(4), 281-300.
Hoskin, R.A. (2019). Femmephobia: The role of anti-femininity and gender policing in LGBTQ+ people’s experiences of discrimination. Sex Roles, 81, 686-703.
Blair, K.L., & Hoskin, R.A. (2019). Transgender exclusion from the world of dating: Patterns of acceptance and rejection of hypothetical trans dating partners as a function of sexual and gender identity. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 36(7), 2074-2095.
Hoskin, R.A., & Hirschfeld, K.L. (2018). Beyond aesthetics: A femme manifesto. Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice, 39(1), 85-87.
McDermott, D.T., Brooks, A.S., Rohleder, P., Blair, K., Hoskin, R.A., & McDonagh, L.K. (2018). Ameliorating transnegativity: Assessing the immediate and extended efficacy of a pedagogic prejudice reduction intervention. Psychology & Sexuality, 9(1), 69-85.
Hoskin, R.A. (2018). Westernization and the transmogrification of Sailor Moon. InterAlia: A Journal of Queer Studies, (13), 78-89.
Hoskin, R.A. (2017). Femme theory: Refocusing the intersectional lens. Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice, 38(1), 95-109.
Hoskin, R.A. (2017). Femme interventions and the proper feminist subject: Critical approaches to decolonizing contemporary Western feminist pedagogies. Cogent Social Sciences, 3(1), 1-17.
O’Handley, B.M., Blair, K.L, & Hoskin, R.A. (2017). What do two men kissing and a bucket of maggots have in common? Heterosexual men’s indistinguishable salivary α-amylase responses to photos of two men kissing and disgusting images. Psychology & Sexuality, 8(3), 173-188.
Hoskin, R.A., Jenson, K., & Blair, K.L. (2017). Is our feminism bullshit? The importance of intersectionality in adopting a feminist identity. Cogent Social Sciences, 3(1), 1-19.
Hoskin, R.A., Blair, K.L., & Jenson, K. (2016). Dignity versus diagnosis: Sexual orientation and gender identity differences in reports of one’s greatest concern about receiving a sexual health exam. Psychology & Sexuality, 7(4), 279-293.
Blair, K.L., & Hoskin, R.A. (2016). Contemporary understandings of femme identities and related experiences of discrimination. Psychology & Sexuality, 7(2), 101-115.
Blair, K.L., & Hoskin, R.A. (2015). Experiences of femme identity: Coming out, invisibility and femmephobia. Psychology & Sexuality, 6(3), 229-244.
Hoskin, R.A. (Forthcoming). “Femininities.” In G. Kaufman, M. Stambolis-Ruhstorfer, & S. Roberts (Eds.) Research Handbook on the Sociology of Gender. Edward Elgar Publishing. Invited Contribution.
Hoskin, R.A. (Forthcoming). Femme frontiers: Tracing and troubling the lineage of fore-femmes through to contemporary identities and femme theory. In A. Tooth-Murphy and R. C. Ryan-Flood (Eds.) Queering desire: Lesbians, gender and subjectivity. Routledge. Invited contribution.
Hoskin, R.A., & Whiley, L. “Femininity stereotypes.” (2024). In A. E. Goldberg & G. Beemyn (Eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies, 2nd Edition. Invited Contribution.
Hoskin, R.A., & Blair, K. (2024). “Femmephobia.” In A. E. Goldberg & G. Beemyn (Eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies, 2nd Edition. Invited Contribution.
Hoskin, R.A., & Whiley, L. “Racialized femininities”. (2024). In A. E. Goldberg & G. Beemyn (Eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies, 2nd Edition. Invited Contribution.
Blair, K., Hoskin, R.A., & O’Handley, B. (2024). “Dating, LGB Women.” In A. E. Goldberg & G. Beemyn (Eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies, 2nd Edition. Invited Contribution.
Blair, K., & Hoskin, R.A. “Trans dating.” (2024). In A. E. Goldberg & G. Beemyn (Eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies, 2nd Edition. Invited Contribution.
Hoskin, R.A. Femininities & Critical Femininities. (2024). The SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies, 2nd Edition. Invited Contribution.
Blair, K.L., Courtice, E.L., & Hoskin, R.A. (2024). Who do we love? Shifts in attitudes about gender identity, sexual orientation, and same-sex close relationships. In M. Hojjat & A. Moyer (Eds.) Modern Relationships: The evolution of romance, friendship and family (pp. 178 - 198). Oxford University Press.
Hoskin, R.A., & Whiley, L. (2023). "Femme praxis: Using femme theory to foster vulnerability within research design and institutions." In B.C. Cliff, I.C. Batlle, S. Bekker, & K. Chudzikowski (Eds.) Qualitative Researcher Vulnerability (pp. 189-205). Routledge. Invited Contribution.
Davies, A., & Hoskin, R.A. (2022). Femme-inist approaches to early childhood education & care: Cultivating pedagogies of care via femme theory. In R. Langford & B. Richardson (Eds.) The early childhood educator: Critical conversations in feminist theory (pp.191-208). Bloomsbury.
Davies, A., & Hoskin, R.A. (2021). Gender/Gender Identity/Gender Expression. In K. K. Strunk and S. A. Shelton (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Queer Studies in Education (pp.181-187). Brill.
Davies, A., & Hoskin, R.A. (2021). Using femme theory to foster a feminine-inclusive early childhood education practice. In Z. Abawi, A. Eizadirad, & R. Berman (Eds.), Equity as praxis in early childhood education and care in Ontario (pp.107-124). Canadian Scholars Press.
Hoskin, R.A. (2021). “Femmephobia.” In A. E. Goldberg & G. Beemyn (Eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies (pp. 257-259). Invited Contribution.
Blair, K.L., & Hoskin, R.A. (2021). “Transgender Dating.” In A. E. Goldberg & G. Beemyn (Eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies (pp. 171-174). Invited Contribution.
Hoskin, R.A. (2021). “Femininities & Femme.” In A. E. Goldberg & G. Beemyn (Eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies (pp. 253-254). Invited Contribution.
Hoskin, R.A. & Earl, J. (2021). “Representation in popular culture.” In A. E. Goldberg & G. Beemyn (Eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies (pp. 717-722). Invited Contribution.
Hoskin, R.A., Earl, J., & Yule, A. (2019). “Chapter 3: Critical consumption of transgender and non-binary representations in popular culture and social media” in J. Green, R.A. Hoskin, C. Mayo & sj Miller (Eds.), Navigating trans*+ and complex gender identities (pp. 70-112). London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Hoskin, R.A., Blair, K.L., Holmberg, D., & Jenson, K. (2019). “Femininities scale.” In R. Millhausen, J. Sakaluk, T. Fisher, C. Davis, & W. Yarber (Ed.) Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures 4th Edition (pp. 363-365). Routledge.
Hoskin, R.A. (2017). “’She’s a virgin but she’s no saint’: Rewriting virginity and sexual scripts in Jane the Virgin.” In C.F. Pukall (Ed.), Human sexuality: A contemporary introduction. Don Mills, ON:Oxford University Press.